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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Week One: Complete!

       I apologize for not blogging on Friday night... It may shock you all to know that I had plans! Michele, a member of the bunny staff, had invited me over to her house for happy hour! So after work, I went home, got changed, and went over to her place. We went for a walk and then we just sat on her porch, talked, and had a few drinks. I'm so glad that I met her... Michele is such a sweetheart and a really cool person. I'm going to miss her next week! I'm probably a little bit too happy to have had Friday night plans... It's been very strange to have no social life whatsoever while in Kanab. 

       Anyway, my last day in bunnies was fun and easy; I cleaned cages and hay boxes. In the morning, the interns were scheduled to attend a presentation on puppy mills. The presentation was given by Dr. Frank McMillian, a veterinarian here at Best Friends. Growing up in Reading, PA, just half an hour away from Amish country... I was already pretty familiar with the prevalence and severity of these horrific businesses, but Dr. Frank has conducted multiple studies in order to study adult breeding dogs that come out of puppy mill situations, as well as, the puppies that come from puppy mills, and I learned so many new things from his research alone. What he found were some very staggering and significant statistics when comparing the behavior/personality of a puppy mill dog vs. a private breeder dog. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the statistical numbers from yesterday, but I do remember that the level of issues that puppy mill dogs have, compared to dogs that are not from puppy mills, is astronomical. Overall, I found his research to be extremely compelling and very vital to the cause of eradicating puppy mills altogether. As an undergrad in the very beginning phases of conducting qualitative research on the human tendencies to anthropomorphize their dogs, I was very intrigued by Dr. Frank's research. Not only because it's fascinating, but he managed to quantify a qualitative study, and basically make it objective. I would love to add a quantifiable, or objective component to my own research one day (as minuscule as it is). Lots to think about in the future!

      This afternoon, I am volunteering in Dogtown! I definitely need to get my "fix". Not that bunnies aren't adorable, but I'm in desperate need of the love and affection that you can only get from a dog! I'm sure I'll have a blast this afternoon! Speaking of adorable bunnies... I'm going to post the last adorable bunny picture today, and to be honest, I think I saved the best for last.

This is Patrick (but everyone tends to call him Patrick Ol' Boy, lol). He is the only lop-eared bunny at the sanctuary right now. He is the most precious little thing you ever saw... He makes your heart melt! I'm happy to report that Patrick is getting adopted next week to a loving home. Yay!

       One week down, four more to go! I will say that this week did not go by quickly, but I'm sure that will change. I miss home, I miss my family, I miss my boyfriend, I miss my friends, I miss Lola. Trying to stay positive and convince myself that these next four weeks will fly by! I can do this.

      Captured this shot on the way home from Michele's last night. So pretty!


  1. Hey Meg, sounds like a life altering first week. There were about 5 words I understood in your puppy mill paragraph, LOL, but I am sure it had a tremendous impact on you. I am sure you are equally as missed here in Berks County. I look forward to seeing you this summer and hearing all about your trip in person.

  2. Colleen,

    We should definitely get together when I get back. I would love to tell you all about my experience! (Especially the stuff that I leave out of the blog! Lol)

    Thanks again for reading :)
