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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hay Fever

       Wish I had something super cool and exciting to blog about today, but unfortunately, today wasn't much different from yesterday. I worked in the Bunny House in the morning, and moved up to Rescue Village for the afternoon. I think the elevation and the hay are starting to get to me... I've been trying to fight off a headache and a runny nose all day! Grrrr, the week is starting to catch up to me as well... I'm not used to working 9 hour days! Anyway, that's enough of my complaining. On the bright side, I got a chance to hold another adorable bunny today!

This is Crusoe, he's a sweetheart (that pooped all over me) at Rescue Village!

And I forgot to post this picture yesterday.. This is Charlie and me! I can't take how cute his little ears are!

       That's all for now. Sorry about the short post! Hopefully I'll have more interesting events to report on tomorrow!