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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lots of "firsts" today...

First time:

  • Navigating an airport by myself
  • Flying alone
  • Flying first class!
  • Renting a car

       I know that I'm 21, but I'm still pretty proud of myself for successfully navigating Philly and Las Vegas airports all by myself today! (Even though 10 year old children do it all the time...) I didn't think I could do it. Once I got to my first class seat, I immediately felt at ease! And when they brought me my breakfast accompanied by a screwdriver (needed that!), and my hot towel, I felt pretty damn special. Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last too long when I took a bite of my french toast and thought to myself, 'This is what astronaut food must taste like'. But, like a yuppie idiot, I continued to eat it so I didn't look ungrateful. I managed to take a couple cool pictures while in the air...

       And after the seemingly never-ending flight was over, I walked into McCarran Int'l Airport not even 10 steps before I saw the first slot machine. Weird... And no I didn't gamble, I have terrible luck. So I found my baggage and picked up my rental car, a cute little VW Bug, and I couldn't help but think how incredibly smooth this whole day went! I am so glad and so relieved that everything went as planned and nothing required me to have a mental breakdown.

       The best part of the trip was definitely driving from Las Vegas to Kanab. It really is true when they say that the Southwest is the most beautiful part of the country! The entire time I was driving, I felt as if I was dreaming and that all of the awesome canyons and mountains that I was seeing were just figments of my imagination... That's how cool they are.

        Now that I've made it to Kanab after a long, long day, I'm just about settled in. Needless to say... I'm EXHAUSTED after my day of firsts and traveling! Tomorrow is my orientation where I'll  meet the other interns and I'll get a tour of the sanctuary! Looking forward to it. Already feeling a little homesick... But once I start work on Monday, I'm hoping I'll be so busy that I won't have time to be homesick! Of course I'm missing my Lola butts like crazy :(... I don't think this feeling will ever subside, ugh!