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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

       I want to start off this post by wishing all moms a Happy Mother's Day, and especially my own mama who I'm missing terribly today! Love you, Mom :)

       Today was my orientation at the sanctuary! I arrived at the Welcome Center at about 7:45 AM, and I stood there awkwardly with a few other people waiting for the doors to open at 8:00 AM. While I was waiting, I had the pleasure of watching at least a dozen hummingbirds congregate around a feeder on the deck. I've never seen so many hummingbirds in my life! Once we got inside, I met the other interns, and the Intern Coordinator, Amberly (I'm actually staying with Amberly for the duration of my internship!)... There are 6 other interns, and we are all females! We're all from different places all over the country, which is cool.

       We started off the day by watching some introductory/informational videos about Best Friends, and then we took a tour of the sanctuary! FYI - the sanctuary covers about 3,700 acres!  We began driving along a dirt road where we saw horses in their pastures, waiting to be fed. As we drove from the lower canyon to the upper canyon, we came across Angels Rest, where they lay animals who are no longer with us. Even though I only got to see it from within a moving van... I can say that it is truly breathtaking, and so beautiful. I can't wait to visit Angels Rest in my free time. Then we ventured into Cat World, as well as, Dogtown Heights. I met a few kitties and a sweet pitbull named Rosebud. Since it was chilly today, we kept it moving pretty quickly, so I only got to see most of Dogtown from the van. (Boo!). After the sanctuary tour concluded, we got lunch at the Village Cafe! The Village Cafe is vegetarian with vegan options as well! If I want, I can eat lunch there everyday for just $5. Not too shabby! After my yummy lunch, we got a personal tour of the Parrots! I'm not really a "bird person" so I wasn't too thrilled about this tour... But once we got there, I learned some pretty cool, new things. And some of the birds were just absolutely gorgeous.

       At the end of the day, we sat down as a group and discussed our duties and animal assignments for this upcoming week. I am in bunnies this week! I don't have too much personal experience with bunnies, so I'm looking forward to learning more about the cute, little, fuzzy creatures! Not exactly sure what my duties will be yet, but I'm anxious to see what I'll be doing all week.

       Halfway through the day today, I receive this picture from my sister, Carly....

      Most of you know that Lola is my WORLD. So when I saw this picture of her lying on my bed, looking super depressed... I didn't know whether to smile or cry. I miss her sooooo much, and I can't believe I have to wait more than a month until I see her again! I guess I should apologize now for all of the random/irrelevant pictures that I'll be posting of Lola... I just miss her so much, I can't take it!

       Well, tomorrow is the first "real" day of my 5-week internship! Basically, my schedule will be working 8:00AM-5:00PM, Monday-Friday, and I'll have my weekends off! I don't really know what to expect tomorrow, so your guess is as good as mine!

       I'll try to capture as many cute photos of bunnies as I can! :)