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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Piggy Personalities

       Today was yet another fun day in Piggy Paradise! It's awesome because they've given me so much responsibility there, that I basically just do my own thing all day... I love it! I've really started to learn everyone's names now, and for the most part, it's so easy to tell who is who just by their personalities! It is absolutely amazing how distinct and unique all of their personalities are... Some are very sweet and affectionate, some are anti-social, some love to be brushed, while others won't let you near them. As similar as they are to dogs, they are much more independent. As many of you know, when you call a dog's name, they acknowledge you or they run over to you, etc. (except for my butthead dog), but pigs feel no inclination to please people! They do their own thing, and they do it on their name. As intelligent as they are, they don't feel the need to showcase it. I am totally fascinated by all that I've learned about pigs... I've really grown to love them! Although I'm a vegetarian now, I will tell you that after working so closely with pigs, I am definitely NEVER going to eat ham or bacon ever again!!! Not after seeing these adorable faces all week...

This is baby Gene, one of the piglets! He is so soft and loving... If you pet him a few times, he just flops over so you can rub his belly and his armpits! Too cute :)

This is Gene and his best bud, Elliot, taking a nap together! Gene and Elliot have been adopted as a pair!!! YAY!

This is Dozer. He and I have a love-hate relationship. Out of all of the pigs, his personality is the most distinguishable. He gets super jealous and territorial if anyone is petting/brushing another pig over him. He just comes up, bites the other pig in the butt, and moves in so he can get all the love. He's such a jerk but it's pretty entertaining to watch! He even nips his own piglets and kicks them out!! And today, Dozer was being naughty and he nipped me a couple times. I know he looks cute in the picture above, but he looks pretty mean in this one...

He is such a piece of work...

And this last picture is of the shy, little piglet, Mazie. This is as close as I could get to take her picture before she wanted to run off! Hopefully she'll warm up to humans sooner rather than later!

       This week went by pretty fast! I'm sad that tomorrow is my last day in pigs :(... I'm going to miss these little piggies so much! I found out that I am in cats next week, so we will see how that goes! I'm going to go out tonight with one of the other interns and a couple other people from Best Friends... I'm looking forward to getting out of the house and having some fun :).