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Saturday, May 17, 2014


       My first Saturday off! I enjoyed sleeping in until 8AM! I didn't do much this morning until getting ready for my volunteer shift at Dogtown in the afternoon. I went over to the sanctuary at about 12:30 to check in, and then after check-in, I made my way over to Dogtown Headquarters. Amongst other volunteers, I waited in line to find out where I would be assigned for the afternoon. They put me in a section called The Fairway. Here, they basically have young adult dogs. To give you some background, Dogtown has at least 10 different octagon-shaped structures where they house the dogs. These structures have an an inside enclosure as well as an outside run so the dogs have some room to stretch their legs. Within "The Fairway", there's two octagon structures that are named after dogs who passed away. 

        Since it was so hot this afternoon, the caregivers did not want us to take the dogs out for long walks. So for the most part, I did a little bit of cleaning, and socializing with the dogs. Sadly, a lot of the dogs had come from bad situations, so majority of the dogs were very shy and standoffish. I'm glad I could be there for the dogs and spend some time with them... But being around dogs today made me pretty sad. Not only did I feel sorry for the dogs because I can't even imagine what they've been through, but it really made me miss Lola. When I was at The Fairway today, trying to connect with the dogs, I found myself longing to hug and hold my own dog back home. So I'm sad to report that my day in Dogtown wasn't all that great. It made me feel like the next four weeks is going to be an eternity.

       Once I got home from volunteering, I made myself a crappy dinner (noodles out of a bag, woohoo....). Later on, feeling like I really needed to clear my head, I decided to go for a run. I ran all the way down Powell Drive, which is a dead end street. At the end of the street, there is some kind of man-made water source that's surrounded by a fence. I stood there for awhile, listened to my music, took in all of the scenery. I took a moment to ground myself, which I definitely needed after this long week. To give all of you an idea of my scenery...

       After taking it all in and catching my breath, I turned around and ran back home. As I neared home, I saw a big, black, shaggy dog on the side of Powell Drive. He was just sitting there, minding his own business. I started walking towards him. He was across the street so I whistled at him and said "come here boy!". He happily got up, wagged his tail, and ran over to me as if he'd known me his whole life. Once he got over to me, I knelt down to pet him, and he instantly flopped on his side, letting me know that he really wanted a belly rub. Here's proof...

       So as I'm petting this sweet boy, I notice that he doesn't have a collar on. Not knowing what to do, I decided to keep walking and beckon him as I go. He stayed right by my side as if I had him on a leash. As I approached home, I told him to sit and stay as I went inside to get Amberly. He didn't move a muscle. When we came back out, we put a collar and a leash on him, and then we put him into her fenced-in backyard. We managed to find a phone number for Animal Control, and they said they would come out and pick him up. As I waited for Animal Control, he sat right next to me, even on my foot at some point. He laid down next to me, he seemed very comfortable. Every so often, he would look up at me or give me a kiss on the cheek. Needless to say, I was quickly falling in love with this pup! When Animal Control arrived, the officer recognized the dog right away and said, "Cooper, how did you get out boy??". Turns out, Cooper lives right up the street from where I'm staying, where he nonchalantly just left his yard to tag along with me. Although I'm glad he has a home, it still worries me that he doesn't have a collar and that he can escape his yard so easily. (I've noticed that people aren't too bright out here...). I walked Cooper back up the street, put him in his yard, gave him a hug and a kiss, and returned home.

       Once I got home, I couldn't help but think that it was no coincidence that Cooper found me today. I think Cooper knew that I was sad and missing my own dog, and he decided that he would cheer me up. And he definitely did. Cooper reminded me of the beautiful, kind nature of dogs, and their extraordinary ability to make even the worst day better. As he gave me kisses and gave me his paw to "shake", I could tell that he knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew exactly what I needed... I needed the love of a dog.


  1. Hi, from Berks County. Lola misses you also. You have that special ability to care for all animals and a heart of gold. (I work with your mom) Donna

    1. Thank you very much for reading my blog, Donna! That's so cool!! I would love to meet you when I get home! :)

      Thanks for the support, it means a lot!

  2. This was no chance meeting. Cooper was definitely sent to you. Megan, I am going to say some prayers for you, you'll be just fine out there. It sounds like someone is already sending you some prayers. By the way, I'm not sure how a run can make you feel better, but to each his own, lol. You did find the dog, so it did lead you in the right direction, haha. Better days ahead. :-)

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts, Colleen. It truly means a lot to me to know I have so many people rooting for me! And you're right, running doesn't exactly make me feel better, it just helps me clear my head lol!

      Hopefully better days are ahead...
