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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bunny Butt Baths

       You may have read this title and thought... "Ew, what is a bunny butt bath?!". It's not as gross as it sounds, but it's definitely not the most pleasant thing either. I had the privilege of learning how to give a butt bath on a little guy named Levi. Fortunately for everyone reading this, I don't have any pictures of myself performing this task. Anyway, to give a butt bath, you have to learn how to pick up the bunny correctly (one hand underneath the belly, the other hand supporting his bottom), and when you pick him up, you're supposed to flip him onto his back and cradle him in your arm. Once he's on his back and wedged between your side and your arm, it's easy to see his belly, his feet, and his butt. Also, when the bunnies are on their backs, it makes them extremely docile and submissive, so it's easier to handle them in this position. The purpose of butt baths is to clean off any caked-on/matted poop. Butt baths also prevent urine scalding, infections, and loss of fur. The rabbit staff perform butt baths all of the time to ensure that the bunnies are as comfortable and as healthy as possible! Like I've said before, these bunnies are the luckiest bunnies in the world!

       Yet again, I ate at the Village Cafe today, and since it was so warm today (in the high 70s), I decided to eat lunch out on the deck! This was my view as I munched on my awesome salad.

     So cool!!! After lunch, I returned to Rescue Village. Every afternoon, the bunnies get a bunch of fresh leafy greens, whether it's romaine lettuce, cilantro, dandelion weed... You name it, these bunnies get it! And they go crazy for greens! I snapped a couple pictures of them munching away :)

       Once all of the greens are handed out, all you hear is this crunch, crunch, crunch sound, and it is so cute. You can tell how content and happy they are!

       Overall, today was a good day. Can't believe tomorrow is already my last day in bunnies! I've met some really nice, and some really cool people, and learned a lot too! Hopefully the staff is just as nice when I'm in......... PIGS! That's right, all of next week I will be working with potbelly pigs!! I'm not exactly sure what I'll be doing yet, and I'm very eager to find out! I hope it's just as fun as bunnies! We will see...

     On my way home from work, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things. Undoubtedly, I was reminded exactly where I was when I saw this. Good ol' Utah...