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Friday, June 13, 2014

Internship: COMPLETE!

       I sincerely apologize for not posting Wednesday, or yesterday. I was sick, and missed a day and a half at DogTown because of it. I didn't have much to blog about, so I figured I would save it all for my last post.

       I can't believe my internship is over already!!!! It went so fast. These last five weeks have been a whirlwind of learning new things, finding myself, and lots of adventures. I didn't really know what to expect when I came out here... I didn't have too many expectations, I pretty much just wanted to see what would happen. And now, having made it to the other side, I can tell you that it was more than I expected. It wasn't the "picture-perfect" experience, that's for sure, but it was still an experience that has changed me forever. And that's what life is all about, right? It's not the happy moments or the positive encounters that change you... It's the tough times or the 'unknown' stuff that make you grow and change. That's exactly what this internship has done for me. It's taken me completely out of my comfort zone, and forced me to jump into the deep end. Of course, there were moments of doubt and awkwardness, but I found a way to overcome those feelings. From this experience, I've learned what it feels like to be outside of my comfort zone, and let me tell you... There is nothing more empowering or invigorating. Yes, it's scary and it's not easy... But it is so worth it! It sets you free.

As I attempt to reflect on all that I've learned throughout this internship... A million different things flood into my mind. But I guess I will start from the beginning...

      My first week in Bunnies. My first week in Utah. I was a bit all over the place. Excited to start this adventure, but terribly missing home. I am beyond happy that I started my internship here, because I met some truly amazing people that made me feel right at home. Michele, Mary, Cheryl, Bryan, Ricky, Michael, Jason... Thank you so much for making me feel like a part of the team, for teaching me SO much about bunnies, and for setting the standards really high for the rest of the internship! It was such a pleasure to spend five days in bunnies, and the majority of my lunch hours with you guys, lol. I'll miss you all dearly, but especially, Michele. She was more than a mentor, she became a great friend. I'm sad that I won't get to see you almost everyday, but I promise to stay in touch! I wish you the best of luck for your surgery next week and I'll be checking up on you constantly! Love you!

       I must say.... Pigs was definitely my favorite week of the internship! I really fell in love with the pigs, and the caregivers too! Adria and Susan, you ladies are absolutely phenomenal. You taught me so much, you included me in everything, and you were extremely kind to me. I'm so glad I got the chance to know both of you, you're both ridiculously strong women. I'm going to miss lying in the dirt with the pigs and taking them for walks... But I'm really going to miss being tormented by Susan everyday ;). I can't thank you guys enough for all of your help and for my awesome experience in Pigs. I will definitely remember it forever!

      Cats was an interesting week for me. Oddly enough, I feel like I know less after spending a week with cats, lol. And that is not anybody's fault! Cats are mysterious creatures; that is just their nature!! The caregivers at CatWorld Headquarters: Dale, Michelle, and Katie, are all amazing people and exceptional at what they do. Their love and passion for their work and for the cats is obvious and admirable, and I learned so much just by watching them work. I also thoroughly enjoyed shadowing Dr. Frank and getting to know some of his research! I can only hope to be half the researcher he is in the animal world! It was a pleasure getting to know the cats and the people who work in CatWorld!

      I came to Utah with a pretty big fear of horses, but I'm going home with a love for them. And that is because of the amazing staff at Horse Haven. Alice, Katie, Ronnie, Linda, Ann, Ron, Jackie, Diane, and their awesome manager, Jen. With everybody's help and kindness, I have learned so much about horses, and I've truly grown to love them! I can't thank you enough for helping me overcome my fear. All you guys are remarkable people, and you're remarkable at what you do, day in and day out. Thank you for letting me spend 5 days in Horse Haven, for making me work my ass off, and for making me laugh endlessly. I'm forever grateful, and I will miss you all!

       Ironically, I spent the least amount of time with my favorite animal, dogs!! Missing a few days because of this stupid, unknown illness really bummed me out... But I'm still so grateful for my experience at Maggie's Mercantile. Hayley, Jackie, and Chelsea are all so wonderful at what they do. It's evident that this is way more than just a job (and that goes for all animal areas). These people dedicate their entire lives to these animals, and it shows in their work. I'm glad I got to know some of the dogs and spend some time with them. I feel comfort knowing they will always have a good, safe home; whether they stay at Best Friends forever, or if they get adopted. Spending this last week in dogs has made me miss MY dog a million times more! Lola, I will see you tomorrow, and it is going to the reunion of the century!!!! I can't wait! Hopefully she still recognizes me....

       I'm so thankful for the people who have helped me throughout my internship here at Best Friends, but I am also so ridiculously grateful for the people that helped me from a distance. My family, my boyfriend, Josh, my friends, the Godfrey's Gang. Without all of the love and support that I received each and every day, I know that there's no way I would have survived these last 5 weeks. From phone calls and text messages, to care packages and Skyping... I've never felt so close to home. I know it sounds pathetically cliche... But I could not have done this alone. I can't thank you enough for making this experience possible for me. It has truly changed my life, and for that, I am forever indebted to all of you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my silly blog, and for making it more 'successful' than I ever thought possible! It's an awesome feeling knowing so many people look forward to reading it every day :).

       But as my blog comes to an end, and as I'm about to head back home to Pennsylvania, I'm thinking to myself, "Where do I go from here?". And I don't have an answer to that question right now, but I know that no matter where I end up, I am going to make a difference. I am going to do whatever it takes to make an positive impact on animal welfare. No matter how big or how small, I will make a difference. There is nothing in this world that evokes such undeniable feelings of passion for me like a dog does. When I hear a horrific animal abuse story, or that an animal has passed... It hits me right in the center of my soul every single time. So I am going to run towards that feeling, and chase that feeling until I feel like I've made a difference. I'm going to pursue a career in the thing that I am most passionate about. And that is advocating for and improving the lives of those who cannot speak for themselves. I will not settle for a career in something mediocre or something 'practical'. I am going to chase my dreams and find a way to make those dreams a reality. I have been so inspired by my experience here at Best Friends... And I have learned that my dreams are attainable. I've never felt more sure or more excited about my future. Like I said, this internship has changed my life. Not only has it silenced all the doubts about what I want to do with my life, but it has put my future into focus. We all have a purpose in life, whether we choose to ignore it or pursue it. I am blessed to say that I know what my purpose is, and I won't let anyone or anything stand in my way.

Until next time, Best Friends.... 
...Thanks for the memories.