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Friday, May 9, 2014

What was I thinking...

 I apologize in advance for my writing, I'm new to this whole blog thing....    

       So when I randomly (and foolishly) applied for this 5-Week General Animal Care Internship at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary at the end of March... I figured it was a long shot, and that there was no chance I would get accepted. Especially, since it was so last minute! But of course, to my surprise, I quickly found out that I had been accepted! Immediately my mind was going crazy trying to figure out if I could actually make this happen, what would I pack, where would I live, etc. Being the worry wart and scaredy cat that I am... I usually find a way to talk myself out of everything cool/exciting, but with all the love and support of my boyfriend, my friends, my family, the Godfrey's Gang, and my phenomenal professors... For the first time in my life, I knew that I would be able to do this!

       Now that April FLEW by, and the Spring semester is over (woohoo!), the day has come for me to venture out to Utah. I'm anxious, I'm scared, I'm beyond excited, I'm feeling a million different emotions... But in my heart, I know I've made the right decision! It will be my first 'real' time away from home, and as scary as that is for me, I know that it will definitely help being surrounded by thousands of animals everyday. Who knows what will happen when I'm out at Best Friends... All I know is that this experience is going to be life-changing.

       I can't help but think of all of the people who made this adventure possible. Because we all know that I couldn't have done it with the help of so many generous, kind, and wonderful people! (too many to name!!!) This whole experience has taught me how many people truly care about me, which can be easy to forget sometimes. Unable to find the right words.... I just want everyone to know that I am so incredibly grateful and humbled by all of the love and support that I have received through this stressful, nerve-racking process. I know that I could not have done it alone, and I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

       Feeling pretty apprehensive about a lot of things right now... Which brings me to the question, "What was I thinking?". My plane departs in about 7 hours and I can honestly tell you that I still don't really know what I'm thinking. I just know that as soon as I found out I got accepted, there was a little voice inside my head that said, "You're doing this!". So here I am, writing my blog, telling myself that I am going on this adventure and I am going to love it! Sometimes, you just have to follow your heart and trust your instincts, right...?

Here goes nothing! :)